Radio Schedule

Popular Lifestyle Internet Radio with The Nomadic Chick live on BlogTalkRadio

The Nomadic Chick Radio 

Show site address: 
Call in number: (619) 924-0725, questions and comments taken during the show. (see show times, they differ based on the availability of the person being interviewed)

The Nomadic Chick radio show is a 30-minute talk show hosted by The Nomadic Chick herself, Cha Jones. Cha interviews a variety or people from many different places and backgrounds who are interested in all things related to love, travel and living on purpose. The Nomadic Chick radio show has conversations grounded in travel. However, that’s not the only topic of discussion. As a listener, you will get in depth insight into what inspires people, how, where and why people are traveling and what travel does to enrich a person’s life. 

For more information about Cha or to have her speak at your next event or workshop, visit her at



Show Schedule 

April 29, 2014 8:30 a.m CST (USA) 
Interview with Nicole Brewer, Iluv2globetrot

Nicole Brewer is the co-founder and CEO of iluv2globetrot. A Detroit native who began her international experience teaching in South Korea, but is currently attending graduate school in Germany. What's next for her?


May 5, 2014 9:00 a.m CST (USA)
Interview with Dr. Karen Flynn 

Dr. Flynn is an Associate professor in the Department of Gender and Women's Studies and the Department of African American Studies Program at the University of Illinois, Urbana-Campaign. She received her Ph.D in Women's Studies from York University in Toronto, Ontario, in 2003. Her research interests include migration and travel, Black Canada, health, popular culture, feminist, Diasporic and post-colonial studies. Dr. Flynn's is the author of: Moving Beyond Boarders: Black Canadian and Caribbean women in the African Canadian Diaspora.


May 12, 2014 8:00 a.m CST (USA) 
Interview with Brown Girls Fly 

Chelle and Crystal Roberts are two sisters with a melanin-infused perspective on travel. They created a travel site offering practical travel tips, destination profiles, and inspiring traveler stories. Their goal is to inspire as many women as possible -- especially women of color -- to travel more frequently and to places further outside their comfort zones.


May 19, 2014 9:00 a.m CST (USA)
Interview with Avery Atkinson, 1040 Global Missions

Philanthropist. Missionary. Educator. Motivational Speaker. Entrepreneur. Radio Show Host. YoutTube Personality. Writer. Traveler. Lover of Life.
Avery successfully built a name for herself & her company, Think!Kingdom, within the private & faith based sector, she knew is was time to continue her legacy of Philanthropist. Missionary. Educator. Motivational Speaker. Entrepreneur. Radio Show Host. YoutTube Personality. Writer. Traveler. Lover of Life.
She continued her legacy of trailblazing firsts while attending Hampton University and later Norfolk State University. Naturally, when she felt that destiny was pulling her to leave the life she had built behind to embark on a life of overseas travel, she started to blaze a new trail of firsts. With launch of a new company, 1040Global,various charitable programs under her belt ,and an international radio show, ASAI1040 with a listenership of 28,000 and counting, she is ready to continue her life of firsts and succeeding in international territory.


June 2, 2014 9:00 a.m CST (USA)
Interview with Ashley Northington, DENOR Brands &Public Relations

Ashley Northington is an award-winning public relations consultant, entrepreneur, writer and media connoisseur. She is the founder and director of the boutique public relations firm, DENOR Brands & Public Relations.

Ashley has dedicated her professional career to equipping the public with meaningful information thereby empowering them to make informed decisions and advocate for positive change. Her career spans nearly a decade, and includes reporting for The Tennessean, Nashville’s local newspaper; national news reporting for USA Today; election coverage for the Associated Press and multimedia work for The Times in Shreveport, Louisiana.

She has also served at the Louisiana Department of Education as Press Secretary and a Public Information Officer where she spent her time authoring speeches for state and deputy superintendents; coordinating awards presentations; crafting press releases regarding news and key educational initiatives; and fielding questions from media representatives, educators and other stakeholders. Most recently, she served as a Research Analyst, focusing on public education, parks and recreation and civil service issues at the Bureau of Governmental Research in New Orleans.

Through her work with DENOR Brands & Public Relations, Ashley has developed compelling marketing and communications plans for clients in the entertainment, lifestyle, business and public service industries.

July 29, 2014 9:00 a.m CST (USA)
Interview with Dr. Stephanie Evan, Clark Atlanta University

Dr. Stephanie Y. Evans is Chair of the Department of Africana Women's Studies, African American Studies, and History (AWH) at Clark Atlanta University. She is the former Director of African American Studies and Associate Professor of Women's Studies at the University of Florida. She is the author of three books: Black Passports: Travel Memoirs as a Tool for Youth Empowerment (2014), Black Women in the Ivory Tower, 1850-1954: An Intellectual History (2007) and a co-edited book, African Americans and Community Engagement in Higher Education (2009). She has also co-edited Africana Studies at the Graduate Level: A Twenty-first Century Perspective, a special issue of the Western Journal of Black Studies and published in journals including Peace Studies JournalFrontiers: The Interdisciplinary Journal of Study AbroadFeminist TeacherFlorida Historical Quarterly, and African American Research Perspectives. 
Do you have something to say? 
(please read show description)

If you would like to be featured on the show, we would love to hear from you. Send a a brief description of what you would like to talk about along with any relevant links to your website, blogs or group page to and someone will get back to you.

Thank you in advance and remember....Love.Travel.Purpose!


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