A Traveler with Style, The Nomadic Chick

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As a little girl, I would stare out the window while sitting in my elementary classroom. I use to dream of places I wanted to go and things that were happening beyond the horizon. The clouds would dance with pictures of unknown places, and for just a moment, my heart would sing travel songs. However, the reality was I sat in a classroom in Omaha, Nebraska and just outside the city limits were cornfields and rolling flat lands of nothingness. Yet my imagination was constantly taking me on voyages where life was about living in the moment. I wanted to fearlessly live the life of a nomad, but no ones grows up to become a nomad. Or do they?

I have been traveling my entire life, but I never thought the day would actually come when I would venture beyond the United States. The experience that made me really want to travel was when I was eighteen, I had the pleasure of going to the island of Maui in Hawaii, and I knew that everything I once dreamt about was real. From the moment on, I have wanted to see more and do more. 

However, if you had told me that I would one day move to South Korea and teach English to Korean students I would have thought you were absolutely insane. Never in a million years would I have thought that at the ripe age of thirty-three I would answer a call that my heart was whispering to me to go dance with my dreams and fall in love with the world.
"I have pumps, will travel"
My name is Cha Jones and I ‘m a black girl who grew up in Omaha, Nebraska. I have traveled to over 43 states here in America, been to Puerto Rico, the Dominican Republic, China, Japan, Hong Kong, Malaysia, and lived in South Korea. I absolutely love to travel! I collect passport stamps like little boys collect baseball cards. I love meeting new people and learning about culture. However, I’m no backpack chick. I will sport a pair of Pumas and get dirty feeding elephants, but I love sitting by a salt-water infinity pool sipping cocktail drinks and planning my next adventure. In-style is my preference when traveling. So, my tag-line is “I have pumps, will travel.

I am The Nomadic Chick and this my blog. Please join me as I divulge more about myself, my travels, and tips on the best places to go and things to do all around the world with pumps in hand and still comfortable, sexy, and sassy. Again, tennis shoes are often warranted, but who said that adventures had to be grungy. I do not do grunge, but I climb mountains, hang with monkeys and adventure into caves, but still manage to be cute and relaxed. 


Cha Jones, The Nomadic Chick 

Love. Travel. Purpose


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